is a naturally existing mineral found in water, tea, meat, eggs, fish, many
other foods and widely throughout nature. Fluoride is often added to tap water
supplies for drinking and to toothpastes for children and adults.
with dental sealants, dental fluoride treatment is one of the most effective
and economical ways to prevent tooth decay and maintain excellent dental health
in children. Fluoride treatments are both safe and effective in decreasing the
prevalence of cavities in children, by 95% specifically, when combined with
dental sealants. Making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks caused by
sugars and plaque bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride acts as a shield for the outer enamel
layer of the teeth and actually has the ability to reverse early dental decay
in some cases.
is beneficial for all children, because it helps shield young teeth from
damaging acid and can actually reverse early signs of dental decay. The acid
produced by bacteria, damages the hard protective outer layer of the tooth
called enamel. On a daily basis, minerals are being lost and added to the
enamel layer of the teeth through naturally occurring processes called
demineralization and demineralization. Minerals are lost (demineralization)
when acid attacks the enamel, and minerals like phosphates, calcium, and
fluoride (which all strengthen the teeth) are added back (remineralization),
when kids drink water or eat foods that contain these minerals. Cavities form
and decay occurs when too much demineralization occurs without enough
remineralization to restore enamel.
office fluoride treatments are just one of the ways teeth absorb fluoride,
along with fluoride toothpaste and rinses, and fluoride-containing water.
small amounts of fluoride are required for children to receive the maximal
benefits. Professional dental fluoride treatments for children are applied to
the teeth in a gel, foam, or varnish form. These treatments consist of highly
increased levels of fluoride as compared to what is found in water and
recommend periodic fluoride treatment every six months. In some instances,
especially for children prone to dental decay, we may recommend more frequent
treatment is recommended for the following reasons:
♦ Deep pits and fissures on the chewing
surfaces of teeth.
♦ Exposed and sensitive root surfaces.
♦ Fair to poor oral hygiene habits.
♦ Frequent sugar and carbohydrate intake.
♦ Inadequate exposure to fluorides.
♦ Inadequate saliva flow due to medical
conditions, medical treatment
♦ Recent history of dental decay.
fluoride alone will not prevent tooth decay. It is important to brush at least
twice a day, eat balanced meals, reduce sugary snacks, and visit dentist every
six monthly.