Patient Case Stories

Smile design with Porcelain Veneers at Jamnagar
Ceramic Veneers - Smile Design

Smile Makeover Cosmetic Dental Treatment
Smile Makeover Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Full Mouth Rehabilitation at Jamnagar
Full Mouth Rehabilitation (FMR)

Metal free ceramic crown at Jamnagar

Smile Design at Jamnagar

Dental Implant at Jamnagar
Dental Implant Treatment

Fractured tooth replaced with dental implant at Jamnagar
Fractured Tooth Replaced with Dental Implant

Front Tooth Fracture - Repair with Composite
Front Tooth Fracture - Repair with Conservative Composit

Broken Tooth repaired with composite Material
Broken Tooth Repaired with Composite - Smile Restore

Cosmetic filling at Jamnagar

Tooth Fracture Restoration with composite

Broken Tooth Build up with Composit

Clear Aligner dental treatment at Jamnagar

Midline Space Closure with Composit ( Diastema Closure)
Midline Space Closure with Composit ( Diastema Closure)

Porcelain Veneers for Peg (Small) Lateral Incisors
Porcelain Veneers for Peg (Small) Lateral Incisors

Porcelain Veneers - Smile Design
Porcelain Veneers - Smile Design

Post & Core and Zirconia Crown to Save Badly Carious Natural Teeth
Post & Core and Zirconia Crown to Save Badly Carious Natural Teeth

Missing Tooth Replaced with PFM Bridge
Table Top Onlay E-Max (LiDiSi) Restoration

Missing Tooth Replaced with Implant Crown
Dental Implant for Single Tooth
Dental Implant for Single Tooth

Missing Molar Tooth Replaced with Dental Implant
Missing Molar Tooth Replaced with Dental Implant

Smile Design with Composit - Single Tooth

Zirconia Crown and Composite for Attrited Teeth
Zirconia Crown and Composite for Attrited Teeth 

Bleaching for Brown Teeth Stain of Flourosis
Fixing smile with composite build up
Fixing Smile with Composite

Old Defecctive Bridge Replaced with New PFM Bridge
Old Defecctive Bridge Replaced with New PFM Bridge

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