What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Why Wisdom Teeth Are Called Wisdom Teeth?
At What Age Do People Get Wisdom Teeth?
Why Wisdom Tooth Is Removed?
What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
When Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?
Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?
Does Everyone Have To Remove Wisdom Tooth?
What Are Some Symptoms Of Wisdom Teeth?
What Is The Procedure For Wisdom Tooth Removal?
Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Painful?
Why Are Wisdom Teeth More Difficult To Remove Than
Other Teeth?
How Much Will It Cost To Get Wisdom Teeth Removed In
What Are Common Problem After Wisdom Teeth Surgery?
How Much Will It Cost To Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
What Is The Recovery Period For Wisdom Teeth
Is It Necessary To Take Sutures (Stitches) After The
Wisdom Teeth Removal?
Can I Brush My Teeth After Getting My Wisdom Teeth
Can I Gargle After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
What Can I Eat After My Wisdom Teeth Are Removed?
Can I Exercise After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Can I Travel After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Can I Smoke After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
What Are The Instructions To Follow After Wisdom Teeth
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars teeth. Sometimes these teeth erupt normally and function also normally in the mouth when they healthy and properly aligned, but more often, they are misaligned and require removal.
When wisdom teeth are misaligned, they may position themselves horizontally, be angled toward or away from the second molars, or be angled inward or outward. Poor alignment of wisdom teeth can crowd or damage adjacent teeth, the jawbone, or nerves.
Why Wisdom Teeth Are Called Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth erupt from the gums in young adults between the ages of 17 and 25, at a time that has been called the “Age of Wisdom.” It is generally thought among linguists that they are called wisdom teeth because they appear so late, at an age when a person matures into adulthood and is “wiser” than when other teeth have erupted.
At What Age Do People Get Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth erupt in young adults between the ages of 17 and 25. Sometimes wisdom teeth may erupt in late age.
Why Wisdom Tooth Is Removed?
Primitive man consumed more fibrous and rough food. Wisdom teeth also helped in masticatory functions and helped in chewing unrefined vegetarian and coarsely cooked meat. With time, diet has become more refined and less coarse. This shift in dietary habits has limited the need to wisdom teeth, which in turn has led to decline in the eruption of the third molar teeth. Owing to the less demand of wisdom teeth in the oral cavity many of the wisdom teeth remain impacted or fail to erupt in the dental arch. Impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth may also become a source of infection to the nearby structures or adjacent teeth.
What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
When a tooth fails to grow into the mouth and is stuck under the gums and blocked by other teeth it is called an “impacted” tooth. In general, impacted teeth don’t have sufficient room to grow, which is very common. Once a tooth is impacted, it can cause many health problems if not removed.
There are two types of impaction
Partially impacted third molar — if a tooth partially erupts through the gums, serious oral infection or gum disease may occur. This type of tooth is hard to clean and brush, making it more prone to bacteria and decay.
Fully impacted third molar — if a tooth is unable to erupt, it will become trapped under the gums. A cyst or infection can also develop if left untreated. Lastly, it can cause damage to the roots of the nearest tooth.
When Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?
Once a tooth is impacted, it can cause many health problems if not removed. There are 5 major reasons for which wisdom tooth removal is strongly advised.
Five Reasons for Removal of Wisdom Teeth
1. Decay in Wisdom Tooth
Wisdom teeth are located in last in jaw and are often very close together(crowding) and sometimes malpositioned. Because of this, brushing those teeth is hard to clean and often gets overlooked, or simply missed, resulting in increased future cavities. Cavities lead to tooth decay, which can lead to more painful problems required removal of that painful wisdom tooth.
2. Pain of Inflamed and Uncomfortable Gums associated with wisdom tooth
Because of the limited space and often odd ways wisdom teeth grow into our mouths, it makes difficult to clean this area and easier for bacteria to stay around the tooth and gums. The gums easily become inflamed, red, and can even have pus or infection around them, all of which can be quite painful. If infection worsen this gum inflammation can spread rapidly causing inflammation across large parts of your mouth and becoming increasingly more difficult to treat. The bacteria that live around wisdom teeth can contribute to health problems including diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease.
3. Damage to Other Adjacent Teeth
It is very common that wisdom teeth become impacted due to insufficient space to grow, create pressure on adjacent teeth, which leads to painful whole area including gums, entire side of face, sometimes headache and ear ache also. It is very common due to improper position of wisdom teeth favour food lodgement with adjacent teeth, lead to decay in adjacent teeth. In such situation wisdom teeth endanger adjacent teeth. In such cases it is advisable to remove wisdom teeth as early as possible; otherwise sometimes it damages the adjacent tooth making it necessary to get a filling. In other cases, damage leads to a root canal. I’ve even had patients where the damage was severe enough to need both the wisdom tooth removed and the adjacent molar.
4. Cysts or Tumours around Wisdom Teeth
5. Wisdom Teeth can cause problems later in life
The problems with wisdom teeth are not limited to teenagers only. Wisdom teeth can grow into mouth without irritating first, but over time develop problems. As time goes on wisdom teeth further develop their roots and the bones in your mouth become harder. This makes extraction more difficult and recovery longer. When you’re young it’s easier to recover and can be simpler to remove the wisdom teeth.
Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?
As racial variation, nature of diet, degree of use of masticatory apparatus, and genetic inheritance can affect the jaw size and tooth size, studies of prevalence and incidence of third molar agenesis and impaction have been carried out on different population groups by various studies across world.
The date of various studies reveals average 50% population are missing one to all wisdom teeth. Remaining 50%, approximately 25% population have normal functioning wisdom teeth and experienced no problem with it, and last 25% unlucky population suffered from wisdom teeth problem during life, they need to remove wisdom teeth.
Does Everyone Have To Remove Wisdom Tooth?
If there is sufficient space to accommodate wisdom tooth in jaw, then there is no need of removal of wisdom tooth. It is not necessary to remove wisdom tooth in every cases. Many times it happens, gum sore occur during initial period of eruption of wisdom tooth for few day only, after that it will become normal without removal of wisdom tooth. So in sort don’t panic in case of wisdom tooth pain. Don’t imagine that wisdom tooth pain, it has to be removed. Take appointment and get genuine advice.
What Are Some Symptoms Of Wisdom Teeth?
Impacted wisdom teeth don't always cause symptoms. However, when an impacted wisdom tooth becomes infected, damages other teeth or causes other dental problems, you may experience some of these signs or symptoms. It is not necessary to experience all the signs and symptoms.
- Red or swollen gums
- Gum pain
- Bleeding gums
- Tooth pain
- Jaw pain
- Swelling around the jaw and on face
- Pus discharge from gum
- Bad smell
- An unpleasant taste in your mouth
- Difficulty in mouth opening
What Is The Procedure For Wisdom Tooth Removal?
The removal of wisdom tooth is minor surgery, mostly carries out under local anaesthesia. The procedure may take approximately 45 minutes, depends on difficulty level of case.
- Following are steps of wisdom tooth extraction, we routinely follow
- Making an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone
- Removal of bone that blocks access to the tooth root and removal of tooth
- Division of the tooth into sections if it's easier to remove in pieces
- Removal of the tooth
- Cleaning of the site of the removed tooth of any debris from the tooth or bone
- Stitching of the wound closed to promote healing, though this isn't always necessary
- Placing the gauze over the extraction site to control bleeding and to help a blood clot form.
Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Painful?
A wisdom tooth extraction, in experienced hands, is a generally quick and painless procedure. Before it starts, it will be ensure you are fully numb so you won't feel anything. Most of our patients at the end of the procedure are surprised at how quick and painless the procedure was.
As your mouth is fully numb during the whole operation you won’t experience any pain, although you may be aware of the movement and actions happening inside your mouth. Of course, you can stop the dentist at any stage by raising your hand if you are feeling uncomfortable.
If your wisdom tooth is impacted in the bone, the gum may need to be raised after incision, the tooth sectioned in pieces and have the gum stitched back together. Again, it sounds painful but you won't feel anything.
After having experience of extraction of a few thousand teeth, we can reassure you that the dental extractions in our hands are quick and painless procedures.
Why Are Wisdom Teeth More Difficult To Remove Than Other Teeth?
Wisdom teeth do not often grow in like other teeth. If they are impacted, they have a more angled position and will need to be sectioned into pieces when extracted to make procedure easy. If the tooth is completely embedded, it will also require making an incision in the gums before accessing the tooth.
If tooth is blocked by jaw bone, its extraction requires removing some obstructing bone carefully.
The root anatomy of tooth to be extraction play major role in accessing difficulty level. More numbers root of tooth, more curvature of roots, more divergence of roots make tooth more difficult to remove.
There is no standardization of anatomy in case of wisdom tooth, unlike other tooth. It’s proximity to nerve make wisdom tooth more difficult than other tooth.
How Much Will It Cost To Get Wisdom Teeth Removed In Jamnagar?
The fee of any dental treatment basically depends on the Dentist’s qualification, experience and work setting. The cost of Wisdom tooth surgery cost varies, because so many things to consider from clinical aspect, x-ray, surrounding vital structures e.g. (Mandibular nerve, Lingual or Facial Artery, Maxillary sinus)
Some clinical and radiological factors as mentioned below affect the cost of wisdom teeth surgery
- Type of impaction of tooth ( mesioangular, distoangular, horizontal etc)
- Upper wisdom Teeth are easy to remove as compared to lower when they are fully erupted. While mandibular wisdom teeth are difficult due to hard bony blokage.
- Grossly decayed tooth takes more time to remove as it breaks while removing.
- Involved with pus and infection takes more effort to control the clinical condition
- Firm and completely unerupted in mouth requires surgery to open it first, then surrounding bone removal and sutures
As A summary Maxillary wisdom tooth costs 1000 – 2500 (Erupted) to 2500-4500 (Deep Bony Impaction) while Mandibular wisdom tooth costs 2000-3500 (Erupted ), 3500 to 7000 (Mesioangular, Distoangular or Horizontal)
What Is The Recovery Period For Wisdom Teeth Extractions?
We usually estimate 7-10 days for a recovery period, however some people may experience shorter or longer recovery times. It is all dependent on the patient’s immunity. General health condition, proper follow up of instructions and difficulty level of surgery.
Is It Necessary To Take Sutures (Stitches) After The Wisdom Teeth Removal?
It is not necessary to take sutures in every case. It sound some scary to take sutures after tooth removal. The sutures are necessary in case of somewhat big wound left after wisdom tooth removal from jaw. The sutures prevent infection and promote fast healing. Actually under local anaesthesia taking sutures are not painful, no need to afraid of it. Usually sutures are removed on 7th day.
Can I Brush My Teeth After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Avoid brushing your teeth for the first 24 hours. After that, you may begin to brush your teeth, but be sure to be gentle around the extraction sites (try to avoid as much as possible).
Can I Gargle After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
Avoid gargling for the first 24 hours. Following that, you are able to swish lightly with warm salt water or mouth wash, but do not vigorously gargle until you are cleared to do so at your follow up appointment.
What Can I Eat After My Wisdom Teeth Are Removed?
Immediately following surgery, we recommend nothing to eat till wearing of the effect of local anaesthesia. You can take liquid diet like juices, plain ice-cream, milk, milk shake, curd. Don’t take hot tea, coffee. After 2 or 3 hours, you can take soft diet like dal rice, khichadi, banana, any very soft food which doesn’t require chewing. Avoid hard food.
On 2 or 3 rd day, you may start your normal diet, if comfortable.
Can I Exercise After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
We recommend waiting three-four days following wisdom teeth removal to exercise or participate in any vigorous activity. Exercising too early could aggravate the blood clot and increase your recovery time as well as discomfort.
Can I Travel After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
We recommend waiting at least a day or two following wisdom teeth removal to travel (as mentioned, third or fourth day is the peak of discomfort). However, it is safe to fly after or travel after surgery (it will not affect your bleeding or healing process).
Can I Smoke After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
We recommend waiting 48 hours to smoke, ideally a 5 days. A blood clot needs to develop over the extraction site in order to heal and the act of inhaling will cause it to burst. This could delay the healing process and potentially lead to dry sockets.
What Are The Instructions To Follow After Wisdom Teeth Removal?
Following are the instruction which are given commonly after wisdom tooth removal procedures
Bleeding. Some oozing of blood may is common the first day after wisdom tooth removal. If there is excessive bleeding, call at dental clinic for further help. Avoid spitting so that you don't dislodge the blood clot from the socket.
Pain management. You may be feeling some pain or discomfort, for those medicines will be prescribed to manage pain after procedure.
Swelling and bruising. Use an ice pack over face for first day. Any swelling of your cheeks usually improves in two or three days. Bruising may take several more days to resolve.
Activity. After surgery, plan to avoid too much speaking for the remainder of the day. Try to avoid speaking too much. Resume normal activities the next day.
Beverages. Drink lots of water after the surgery. Don't drink alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated or hot beverages in the first 24 hours. Don't drink with a straw for at least a week because the sucking action can dislodge the blood clot from the socket.
Food. Eat only soft foods, such as dal rice, khichadi, khir or plain (without dry fruit) for the first 24 hours. Start eating semisoft foods when you can tolerate them. Avoid hard, chewy, hot or spicy foods that might get stuck in the socket or irritate the wound. No betel nut for 1 week.
Cleaning your mouth. Don't brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, spit or use mouthwash during the first 24 hours after surgery. You can resume brushing your teeth after the first 24 hours. Be gentle particularly near the surgical wound when brushing and gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water every two hours and after meals for a week.
Tobacco use. If you smoke, don't do so for at least 2 day after surgery — and wait longer than 7 days if possible. If you chew tobacco, don't use it for at least a week. Using tobacco products after oral surgery can delay healing and increase the risk of complications.
Stitches. You may have stitches that need to be removed on 7th day from procedure.
In Which Condition Can I Call To Dental Clinic After Wisdom Tooth Surgery?
Call at dental clinic if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, which could indicate an infection, nerve damage or other serious complication:
- Difficulty in swallowing or breathing
- Excessive bleeding
- Fever
- Severe pain not relieved by prescribed pain medications
- Swelling that worsens after two or three days
- A bad taste in your mouth not removed with saltwater rinsing
- Pus in or oozing from the socket
- Persistent numbness or loss of feeling
- Blood or pus in nasal discharge
If you are considering or are advised wisdom tooth removal, then give us a call for consultation appointment. We can make very informed decisions because of the technology and expertise we have here at Dr. Bharat Katarmal dental clinic, Jamnagar.